
A developed Western Sahara, impact-free from mines and explosive remnants of war, where all people, including those affected by mines/explosive remnants of war accidents, enjoy a free and safe life. 


SMACO, which was founded by presidential decree, plans, coordinates, facilitates and follows up all Mine Action activities in Western Sahara in accordance with National Legislations, Local and International Standards, taking into consideration the implications of the refugee and high contamination situation. SMACO embeds mainstreaming of gender and diversity, humanitarianism and accountability into their operations, with a primary focus on Victim Assistance and advocacy in addition to the other Mine Action Pillars. 

Goals to achieve Vision and Mission

  1. To establish a basis for advocacy towards local, national and international partners.
  2. To provide partners with reliable information regarding victims of mine/ERW accidents.
  3. To develop a framework as a mechanism for communicating and following up the obligations and duties of mine action actors in the Territory of Western Sahara. 
  4. To create the basis for a comprehensive legal framework for the rights of victims of mine/ERW accidents. 
  5. To be in line with UN Mine Action Strategy 2019-2023, SMACO will accomplish the independent coordination of mine action activities in Western Sahara considering the local situation 

Strategic Objectives to achieve Goals 

To accomplish these goals, SMACO identified the following objectives: 

1.1. To establish a sustainable and constant funding of SMACO by 2020.

1.2. To implement an efficient and effective communication with national and international 

organisations by 2019. 

2.1. To establish an effective mechanism for accidents and victims’ data collection and sharing it with partners according to the SMACO Data Protection Policy by 2019. 

3.1. To establish a national employment policy for mine action activities by 2023. 

4.1. To create a discussion platform (think tank) to establish a national victim rights protection policy by 2022. 

5.1. To fully implement a professional management structure within SMACO by 2021. 

5.2. To insure availability of human resources to comprehensively manage mine action by 2020. 

Strategies to achieve Strategic Objectives 

1.1.1. To approach potential donors and partners that are able and willing to provide a steady funding stream. 

1.2.1. To develop a communication plan to approach local and international actors. 

1.2.2. To establish a network of peers for applying a “best practice” approach to international organisations. 

2.1.1. To involve the relevant partners in facilitating data collection. 

3.1.1. To consult relevant international and local actors with regards to local legislation and regulations as well as international law. 

4.1.1. To conduct advocacy and lobbying activities at the local level to show the importance of the survivors’ rights and protections. 

5.1.1. To provide appropriate management capacity enhancement tools for SMACO personnel. 

5.2.1. To develop and implement appropriate tools for an inclusive human resources management.